“Haters Gonna Hate:” Who or what do Stuyvesant students hate?
Who or what do Stuyvesant students hate the most?
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who or what do Stuyvesant students hate the most? What type of people, things, or ideas do they despise?
“I hate how society teaches us to label friends or people as either fake or real.” —Tiffany Wu, junior
“I hate when people walk slowly and don't understand that someone might actually be trying to get home at a reasonable time. Especially when they're walking at not a slow enough speed to pass them easily, but at about 75 percent as fast, and you're still walking faster [with] no way to get past them without running around them.” —Agata Regula, junior
“I really hate people who talk down to people. It’s so evident that they’re always trying to talk down to you, with their tone, their gestures, and how they feel like they have to prove themselves to you, in a way.” —Jenny Liu, sophomore
“I hate pressure and expectations.” —Mohammed Rahim, sophomore
“I hate being falsely accused of anything.” —Amanda Zhong, sophomore
“The person who invented stairs.” —Liesel Wong, sophomore
“I hate expectations the most. My parents have high expectations for me, which I often don’t fulfill or don’t want to fulfill. I’m tired of disappointing them by not meeting their expectations.” —Michelle Piong, junior
“I hate that I’m allergic to dairy. It sucks.” —Aidan Look, sophomore
"Garlic. Just pure garlic. I don't know why." —Paco Tang, sophomore
“Procrastination. It prevents me from doing stuff on time.” —Zuzi Liu, sophomore
“Bugs. In my home, there are cockroaches roaming around at night, and [they] just creep me out. They’re the worst.” —Sandy Lin, senior
“I hate staying up late.” —Sakina Gulamhusein, junior
“I hate how bike lanes are as big as car lanes in my neighborhood.” —Shah Wafi, junior
“I hate my vision. You know, it’s the year 2020, and I still can’t see. I eat carrots every day, and my vision still sucks.” ––Sabrina Chen, sophomore
“I hate liking people. The idea of love is the most stupid thing on this world. The word ‘hate’ is so strong that it goes both ways.” —Cynthia Tan, sophomore
“I hate pretentious people.” —William Zeng, senior
“I hate when people chew loudly.” —Jessica Kwok, junior
“I think hate is a pretty rough emotion, but I hate people who are purposefully hateful.” —Hana Kim, senior
“I hate pizza, which is so weird because everyone else loves it.” —Alice Zhu, sophomore
“I hate collective punishment and hypocrites.” —Inga Edwards, junior