How to Get Big Shoulders
Meet Josephine Yoo, captain of the girls’ varsity swimming and diving team!
Reading Time: 1 minute

Name: Josephine Yoo
Grade: Senior
Height: 5'7"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Date of Birth: 10/16/2007
1. How did you get into swimming?
I learned to swim when I was five at a neighborhood swimming program, but I got into it more competitively around the age of nine. Funny story—my mom thought my shoulders were too narrow and thought that swimming more often would help broaden them. When I was nine, I joined a small club team, but had to quit two years later because the pool closed for renovation.
2. What’s your favorite thing about swimming?
I know it's super cliche, but I love the team. We spend hours together in the pool, weight room, and the locker room; and of course, dying after tough sets. We've all seen each other on our best and our worst days. It creates a really special bond between us all.
3. What are you most excited for this upcoming season?
To win again! But as a senior, I'm also super hyped for A Champs. The seniors from every competing school line up in their “mascot” merch to honor their last year.
4. What’s your fondest swimming-related memory?
My favorite memory is when we won PSAL City Championships and A-Division Championships last year. The moment the scores were announced, we erupted into screams, tears, and hugs, jumping up and down in pure joy. For years, we had come so close—making it to the finals my freshman year and the semifinals my sophomore year—but finally bringing home the title felt so relieving and incredibly rewarding after all the hours we put in.
5. What are your plans for swimming in the future?
I'll definitely join a club swim team in college, but nothing on a professional level.
Fun Questions:
Funniest teammate: Boone Ireland
Best pre-meet meal: Always pasta
Swimming pet peeve: When people touch your feet but refuse to go first
Favorite event: 200-meter freestyle