Student Surprised by Angery Reaccs on Post of Exact Grades
A Stuy student is genuinely surprised when people attack him for posting his exact grades on facebook.
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When AP course selections came out, junior Max Lobel was shocked to see that he was not accepted into AP Whining, his dream class. After complaining for a solid 17 minutes, during which any onlooker would have immediately suggested that AP Whining was the perfect class for Lobel, he ran to his computer and began to type out a request for help in the form of a Facebook post. “I have a 97.785 science average, a 98 overall average, a 96 English average, I got all A’s in third grade, and my mommy says I’m her ‘widdle smartie pants’; why didn’t I get into AP Whining?” read the post in the “Dear Incoming Class of 2018…We Have Advice but Only at Useless Times and Not When You Actually Need It” Facebook group.
To Max’s surprise, instead of helpful comments, his post received hundreds of angery reaccs and responses. “I didn’t understand why people were attacking me. I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not like I tried to create a StuyJoust event or anything,” Lobel said.
These angry responses, which ranged from “Whom’st’ve’d’th man’s,” to “Welcome to your tape,” sparked a series of Facebook posts from different Stuyvesant students attacking Lobel, supporting Lobel, attacking the Lobel supporters, supporting the Lobel attackers, attacking the Lobel attacker’s attackers, and asking for people to stop posting by making their own unnecessary posts.
Somehow surprised by the reaction to his post, Lobel tried to defend his decision to share his exact grades. “Why would I make this post to brag? So what if I have a 99.39397 in math, a 97.666 in history, and a 100 in physics? This post was definitely NOT an attempt for me to make up for my lack of social skills by getting people to like me for my 99 average!” said Lobel, while also “accidentally” changing his profile picture to a screenshot of his average with the caption, “Oops, wrong photo!”
In the end, the program office saw Lobel’s Facebook posts and his extraordinary talent to complain, which fulfills all pre-reqs, and accepted him into his dream class of AP Whining.