Figure out what College is your OTP (One True Pair!)
Issue 3, Volume 114
These gosh-darn student drivers keep getting into car accidents.
Issue 1, Volume 114
A Tetris Player doesn’t fundamentally understand his job as an architect.
Issue 15, Volume 113
Soph-Frosh SING! girlbossed so hard they somehow won SING! and solved national debt.
Issue 11, Volume 113
A Stuyvesant parent writes an outraged e-mail to Principal Yu over Junior SING! Bible Camp.
The Spectator Humor Department interviews couples on their Valentine’s Day plans!
Issue 10, Volume 113
A satirical piece talking about what it is to be short at Stuyvesant.
Issue 7, Volume 113
Freshmen Caucus candidates aren’t too happy with the press The Stuyvesant Spectator gives them, and take it up with the editors.
The Spec’s bravest adventurers venture to the 11th floor! What horrors await them!?
Issue 4, Volume 113
The BEST Stuyvesant Fanfiction Ever Written
Issue 3, Volume 113
Cancel your Paris plans—we’re giving you a tour of THE Stuyvesant High School!
Issue 2, Volume 113
Drug Lab discovered at Stuy, hijinks ensue from drug usage and lab discovery.
Issue 11, Volume 112
Principal Yu bans all public displays of affection in Stuyvesant, but what’s the real reason behind this decision?
Issue 9, Volume 112
Spectator’s very own Humor Department uses the school’s 1940s atom smasher to hold the school for ransom.
Issue 7, Volume 112
Stuyvesant Confessions posts came back to haunt Stuyvesant seniors when they’re applying to colleges.
Our experts here at the Spectator are paw-sitive that this is no cat-incidence
Issue 6, Volume 112
When Stuy’s creepiest hotspots start acting up, who you gonna call? Off-brand ghostbusters Alex & Eshaal!
Issue 4, Volume 112
Sleep-deprived Stuyvesant students turn into zombies.
Issue 3, Volume 112
Even amidst controversy, slapping strikes its way into the Olympics.
Issue 2, Volume 112
Apple reveals a hot virtual assistant, Alexis, to compete with Samsung’s Sam.
Issue 17, Volume 111