Love him or hate him, his influence penetrates through every boundary regardless of whether you approve of him or not.
Issue 17, Volume 109
Sometimes it’s not a question of what spirits are being held, sometimes it’s a question of what your spirits hold.
Issue 13, Volume 109
Arts and Entertainment
Sound has more capabilities in art than simply music.
What do you do when your only hope (boba) disappears?
Modernizations of opera are misrepresentations of history.
Issue 11, Volume 109
You can try walking down it to really know it, but you’ll never really know this most personality-filled street in all of Manhattan no matter how many times you traverse through it.
The “sanguine” I imply is determined by the level of hope within the reader.
Issue 9, Volume 109
An alien wants to achieve an ulterior motive, but he picked the wrong class to crash.
Issue 8, Volume 109
An interview with German pop artist Wincent Weiss.
Issue 7, Volume 109
The alternative biology lab we never thought could exist, but needed.
I explore a limited-time exhibition featuring not only a new fragrance of my favourite brand, but an otherworldly experience to boot.
Issue 5, Volume 109
You don’t mess with Copy, but you don’t mess with me, either.
Issue 4, Volume 109
It’s Cuffing Season, and what better way to commemorate that than to dedicate a Senior Spirit Day to it?
A transcription from someone unamused by the barricaded escalators.
Issue 3, Volume 109
Imperialism over the East is still rampant; it just manifested into something else unwanted.
Issue 1, Volume 109
The hallway outside of the guidance office during program changes is a loch ness monster in itself.
Review of Ariana Grande’s album “Sweetener.”
True love might trump all, but that won’t stop people from poking fun at unusual circumstances.
Issue 16, Volume 108
The 10th floor pool isn’t the only pool where the surreal thrives.
A eulogy for an innovative artist who has passed away far too soon.
Issue 15, Volume 108
So, here’s the (bubble) tea on what might become one of Stuy’s new fave foodie areas.
Kendrick Lamar’s recent accolade may seem unexpected, but it also introduces things previously left unsaid that need to be addressed.
Escalator juuling can have worse consequences than getting caught by the school deans.
Issue 14, Volume 108
The main character of your fave 2017 tall tale returns with something even more outrageous.
Issue 13, Volume 108
The power of art encourages athleticism at a school normally not preoccupied with its athletics.
A discussion with the NYCYPL of 2018 over his accomplishment and the thoughts connected to it.
Issue 11, Volume 108
Sometimes, the line between the fantasy of a fandom and the reality it’s based upon can get a bit blurred.
Investigative piece on Hanna’s Congress of Vienna simulation.
Issue 10, Volume 108
Makeup culture at Stuyvesant.
The reader accidently lands into an alternate universe that may very well be Stuy’s alter (dystopian) ego.
Issue 9, Volume 108
Covering the new and interesting elective options that are being offered for the 2017-2018 autumn and spring semesters.
Issue 8, Volume 108
Punny (and sometimes sardonic) horoscopes.
To explain Tahseen Chowdhury’s decision to run for the position of State State and talk about his political history.
Issue 1, Volume 108
Issue 16, Volume 107