The student body exploded in response to a sophomore’s Facebook post on January 3, 2021, expressing her deteriorating mental health and dread of returning to school after winter break. Students, teachers, and administrators share their responses.
Issue 9, Volume 111
While the recent announcement of school closures has drastic implications for students across New York City, its impact on the Stuyvesant community is less dramatic yet still notable.
Issue 6, Volume 111
Results of the freshman survey for the Stuyvesant class of 2024.
Issue 3, Volume 111
Issue 2, Volume 111
With an upcoming and uncertain school year, Seung Yu has been appointed Principal of Stuyvesant following former Principal Eric Contreras’s resignation in July.
Issue 1, Volume 111
George Floyd was murdered on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota by policeman Derek Chauvin, who knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, despite...
Issue 17, Volume 110
Issue 11, Volume 110
Arts and Entertainment
The Spectator reviews Senior SING!.
A breakdown of the Student Union’s yearly allocations, expenses, and revenue from the past few years.
Issue 10, Volume 110
A profile of junior Theadora Williams who will be graduating this spring.
Issue 5, Volume 110
How much does it cost to be a student at Stuyvesant?
Stuyvesant members evacuated the building twice on Thursday, October 17 due to issues in the elevator machine room and reports of continued gas smells throughout...
Issue 4, Volume 110
Telling Anuradha Bhagwati’s (‘93) inspiring story about her experience in the Marine Corps and her work advocating for change in the military.
Issue 16, Volume 109
This morning, on Friday, May 24th, JunThis morning, on Friday, May 24th, Junior Parker left the Stuyvesant High School building through the first floor exit. Junior Parker is a member of the...
A profile of Chemistry teacher Dr. Steven O’Malley.
Issue 14, Volume 109
My experience living in the Blue Ridge Mountains for two weeks.
Issue 12, Volume 109
Profile on Stuyvesant alum and judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Judge Denny Chin.
Issue 10, Volume 109
This article will look at some diets of students inside stuy, from modern ones to religious and medical diets, attempting to answer the question: how does stuy eat?
Issue 8, Volume 109
Senior Sean Takada, a member of the pre-college program at Juilliard, performed a solo at the Winter Concert to commemorate Bernstein’s 100th birthday.
A profile on former Principal Jie Zhang.
Issue 6, Volume 109
Issue 5, Volume 109
A profile of the section of District 75, the public school section for special needs students within the Stuyvesant building.
Issue 4, Volume 109
An introduction of the new teachers at Stuyvesant.
Issue 2, Volume 109
An update on the initiatives Principal Eric Contreras has already begun, and visions he has for Stuyvesant in the future.
A profile on the new Assistant Principal of Organization, Dr. Gary Haber.
Issue 16, Volume 108
A profile and history of StuyCubed, blocks that commemorate previous Stuyvesant graduating classes and historical landmarks.
A profile on a variety of teachers and their sports.
Issue 15, Volume 108
Issue 14, Volume 108
A variety of opinions from students, teachers, and administrators about the Pledge of Allegiance.
Issue 13, Volume 108
A mix of perspectives on the new freshman health class.
Issue 12, Volume 108
Stuyvesant students share their experiences of the SING! Soph-Frosh stage collapse.
Issue 11, Volume 108
History teacher David Hanna, will appear in a documentary about the Lafayette Escadrille.
Ms. Quenzer’s Valentine’s Day traditions
Issue 10, Volume 108
Stuyvesant alumni in the military
Issue 9, Volume 108